7 Tips to Going Plant Based
Beyond the trend and fads out there, “plant base ” and “veganism” has found its’ way into the basic lifestyle of many. According to a BBC report, the ‘Veguanuary’ campaign has had a 5x growth in the number of people signing up. This of course only reflects the growth in the campaign, but this stat is a near reflection to the merge in the food industry.

If you are wanting to explore veganism or even adopt a more plant-based lifestyle, here are some helpful tips to support your journey:
1. Know your reasons, set your intentions and understand your motivators.
Whether it be ethical reasons, reducing your carbon footprint, health reasons or to support weight-loss, be sure to be clear. This will be the motivating factor to help you take the needed steps and stay on track.
2. Start slowly.
Respect the process and the progress. To shift any habit, it is always best to go in steadily and consciously. By starting with substituting meat with plant-based dishes, you allow your body time to adjust. You gain an understanding of your portions, preferences and you note how your body feels. A good idea is to begin with a few meals that you enjoy, rotating them for a while. Enjoy and explore different foods, that you can add to your meals list.
3. Food prep.
This is an important step to allow for a budget-friendly and healthier way to eat plant-based. Most of the vegan products on the shelf are known to be quite pricey. They can be filled with additives and preservatives. We suggest making your own. That way you know exactly what you are consuming and can indulge in more, for less. Remember to pack in some on-the-go snacks to prevent those unnecessary purchases due to hunger pangs.
4. Surround yourself with healthy food.
“You eat what you see”. Buy less processed, sugar-laced foods and stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables. Have some washed, chopped and ready for easy snacking and meal-making. We also love jarring dried fruits, nuts, seeds, grains and some yummy treats like homemade oat bars for ease of use.
5. Supplementation.
Not all nutrients are abundantly available from plants or are not all sufficiently absorbed, like zinc. Vitamin B12 is the most crucial for overall wellbeing. Nutritional yeast, seaweed and other vegan foods fortified with B12 can be a light solution. Alternatively, take a daily supplement capsule. Other important nutrients to supplement with are Vitamin D, iron, calcium and omega-3’s, like those found in our B-well Canola products.
6. Keep your meals fun and exciting.
This is the real difference between cooking plant-based and with meat. There are so many ways to create delicious and nutritious meals with vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds, nuts and more! Creativity and creation can be endless, as there is more to work with. A good idea to explore is to arrange plant-based potluck gathering with friends/family. Alternatively you can find some fun tried and tested recipes on the internet.
7. Join a support group, follow plant-based and vegan companies and social media pages.
This way you can surf the foodie waves with others who can support your journey and inspire you. To follow some of our amazing and delicious vegan and plant-based meals and dishes, follow IG: @Bwellfoods, B-well on Facebook, check out our vegan recipes or download our free cookbooks.